YouTube's New Health Policy: Content Must Adhere to Health Authorities
On August 15, YouTube announced that it would start removing video content on "specific health conditions, treatments, and substances where content contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO).”
This is a dangerous turn of events, especially since it turns out that the WHO is not just unreliable on artificial sweeteners. Its advice on dietary fat is also out of the dark ages. Just last month, the WHO issued a formal guideline recommending that total fat be limited to 30% of calories – essentially, a low-fat diet. This is the same diet Americans lived through for decades until it was finally ditched by our US Dietary Guidelines and the American Heart Association some 15 years ago, when large clinical trials demonstrated that the diet didn’t work to prevent any kind of chronic disease. Yet somehow, the WHO is reverting to this disproven idea.
Surprisingly, the Harvard Chan School of Public Health whose own nutrition advice often lags behind the science, wrote a letter strongly criticizing the WHO's low-fat recommendation, stating that it relies on outdated evidence and “could increase carbohydrate intake, especially refined carbohydrates and sugars, which have been shown to increase blood pressure and triglycerides." Meaning: heart disease risk goes up on a low-fat, high-carb diet, which indeed has been found to be the case in clinical trials.
The WHO, like many other authorities, also issue guidelines stating that saturated fat causes heart disease, and the WHO says red and processed meats cause colorectal cancer. None of these things is true, or at best, you could say these issues are debated, which is a normal part of the scientific process.
Youtube’s new content policy is squarely anti-science. Should it be enforced on fat, saturated fat, and red meat, videos on the benefits of these foods could very well be deplatformed. Science and medical advances simply can’t happen with this kind of top-down censorship. We plan to follow up on this issue: please let us know if your videos are disappearing under this new policy.