The Hill Op-Ed: Congress, stop government from dishing out bad dietary advice
Nina Teicholz Nina Teicholz

The Hill Op-Ed: Congress, stop government from dishing out bad dietary advice

Americans’ lack of physical fitness is affecting everything from our military, who are struggling to find enough recruits who are fit to serve, to rising costs in treating diabetes. As a personal trainer and wellness consultant, I believe exercise is critical for a healthy lifestyle. Yet, despite how much time and effort people invest trying to get in shape, they rarely meet their goals.

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From A Scientific Perspective, The Evidence Overwhelmingly Supports The Idea That A Diet Low In Carbohydrates And High In Fat Is “Evidence Based.”
Nina Teicholz Nina Teicholz

From A Scientific Perspective, The Evidence Overwhelmingly Supports The Idea That A Diet Low In Carbohydrates And High In Fat Is “Evidence Based.”

Prof. Noakes was actually acquitted on all counts last April, but the medical board is appealing its own decision. This letter does not address the many ethical issues surrounding the HPCSA’s actions against Prof. Noakes. We focus here exclusively on the question of whether the *LCHF diet he favors is “evidence-based.”

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The Largest Promoters of High-Carb Diets Are Funded By Corporate Interests
Nina Teicholz Nina Teicholz

The Largest Promoters of High-Carb Diets Are Funded By Corporate Interests

Despite a growing body of evidence to the contrary, the dietary guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA) and American Diabetes Association (ADA) promote high-carb, low-fat diets to reduce the risks for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. But a closer look at those who fund these organizations reveals corporations with a vested interest in maintaining the current dietary guideline regime.

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Kansas City Star Op-Ed: Are the Federal Government’s Dietary Guidelines Making Us Fatter?
Nina Teicholz Nina Teicholz

Kansas City Star Op-Ed: Are the Federal Government’s Dietary Guidelines Making Us Fatter?

For decades, the federal government has tried to combat this epidemic, largely through the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which aim to help people choose eating patterns that improve health. Paradoxically, over the past two decades, Americans have continued to gain weight, despite many following the government’s dietary advice.

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Op-Ed in the Hill by Representative Andy Harris – The Mandate Is Clear: Flawed Dietary Guidelines Process Must Be Reformed
Nina Teicholz Nina Teicholz

Op-Ed in the Hill by Representative Andy Harris – The Mandate Is Clear: Flawed Dietary Guidelines Process Must Be Reformed

The nation’s senior scientific body recently released a new report raising serious questions about the “scientific rigor” of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This report confirms what many in government have suspected for years and is the reason why Congress mandated this report in the first place: our nation’s top nutrition policy is not based on sound science.

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Dallas Morning News Op-Ed: Government is helping to feed the diabetes crisis in Texas
Nina Teicholz Nina Teicholz

Dallas Morning News Op-Ed: Government is helping to feed the diabetes crisis in Texas

Federal dietary guidelines are based on weak science. These recommendations, which are developed by nutritionists who champion widely accepted but increasingly questionable advice, have a huge impact on how everyone eats. Given the scale of the diabetes epidemic, it's time to reform the process that produces our nation's nutritional guidelines.

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DONATE to Help Fix the Dietary Guidelines
Nina Teicholz Nina Teicholz

DONATE to Help Fix the Dietary Guidelines

We need your support to educate policy makers, influencers and the public about the problems with the guidelines, so that people suffering from obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, among other nutrition-related diseases, get the sound nutritional advice that they need to become healthy.

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